About PocketChange.Live
PocketChange.Live is Coin-O-Matic's technology designed to improve the lives of residents who use common area laundry rooms. We offer two versions. The first being the full monte with Max.PocketChange.Live and secondly, the more traditional Tap.PocketChange.Live. Both are designed to make it easier to do your laundry.
How can we take doing laundry easier to the max? The answer lies within the name PocketChange.Live itself. We use the word PocketChange because each machine can take whatever you have in your pocket to pay for a laundry cycle. If you have quarters, we'll take them. If you have a Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express, we'll take it. Does your card have a mag stripe or an EMV chip, no worries, we take both. We use the word Live because you can view (on any internet browser) the availability of machines in your building and receive email alerts when your wash or dry cycle is nearing completion. No longer do you need to take a walk to your laundry room to see if machines are available or to see if your cycle is completed only to find you wasted your time.
Max.PocketChange.Live Key Conveniences
- Each Washer and Dryer Accepts Quarters, Credit & Debit (Mag Stripe+EMV)
- Live Room View Through Any Web Browser
- See Which Machines are Available for Use With any Computer or Smart Phone
- Receive Email Alerts When Your Cycle is Near Completion
For laundry rooms where cash is not an option, Coin-O-Matic offers Tap.PocketChange.Live. Like traditional smart card systems this is a prepaid card based system with some key differences that makes doing laundry easier. Instead of inserting your card to start a cycle, you simply tap the card to the surface of the reader. With Tap technology, gone are the days where you are unable to wash your cloths due to dirty card readers and smart cards. We've also made adding value to your card easier. Sure we still provide add value stations that accept cash or credit card, but we've added Code Based Add Value. With Code Based Add Value you can generate a value code though our web based application with your credit or debit card which gives you a simple code to enter into a conveniently located value station to add that value to your tap card.
Tap.PocketChange.Live Key Conveniences
- Contactless Tap Technology Greatly Increases System Reliability
- Web Based Value Code Generation Makes Adding Value to Your Card Convenient
Coin-O-Matic's PocketChange.Live products are exclusive to our Laundry Room Leasing installations. To learn how you can improve your property with PocketChange.Live please Contact Coin-O-Matic's PocketChange.Live Specialists today!